
Soil Series

Information System

Batuan Series
Soil Fertility Low to moderate
Soil pH Acidic (4.5
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) Low
Potassium (K) Moderate
Nutrient Retention Moderate
Base Saturation Moderate
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Undulating to rolling
Water Retention High
Drainage Moderate
Permeability Slow to moderate
Workability/Tilth Easy
Stoniness Common (>35%)
Rooting Depth Shallow (0.4 m)
Flooding None
Erosion Moderate
Surface Soil Type: Clay
Family name: Fine, isohyperthermic, Typic Ustifluvent
Soils derived from underlying calcareous shales and sandstones It is fine textured with more than 35 clay It is a typical typic representative of the great group Ustifluvent a young soil ent Entisol with less 25 slope observed with a decrease in organic carbon in the underlying horizons and shallow calcareous bedrock fluv It is found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic It has a mean annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic