Bolinao Series
Soil Fertility | Moderate to high |
Soil pH | Slightly acid (5.0 |
Organic Matter | Moderate |
Phosphorus (P) | High |
Potassium (K) | Low |
Nutrient Retention | High |
Base Saturation | Moderate |
Salinity Hazard | None |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Undulating to mountainous |
Water Retention | High |
Drainage | Moderate |
Permeability | Moderate |
Workability/Tilth | Hard |
Stoniness | Common (15%) |
Rooting Depth | Shallow (0.4 m) |
Flooding | |
Erosion | Moderate |
Surface Soil Type: Clay
Family name: Very fine, isohyperthermic, Humic Dystrustept
A very fine textured soil with more than 65 clay developed from hard coralline limestone rock It is a young soil which is in its incipient development stage toward mature soil which diagnostic horizons are not fully developed ept Inceptisol It has a low base saturation less than 60 Dystr and a surface horizon that is high in organic carbon Umbric It is found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic It has a mean annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic