
Soil Series

Information System

Faraon Series
Soil Fertility High
Soil pH Neutral to slightly alkaline (6.5
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) Moderate
Potassium (K) Moderate
Nutrient Retention High
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Rolling to hilly
Water Retention High
Drainage Moderate to good
Permeability Slow to moderate
Workability/Tilth Moderate
Stoniness Common to many (Coralline limestone)
Rooting Depth Shallow (0.3m)
Flooding None
Erosion Moderate to severe
Surface Soil Type: Clay/Sandy loam
Family name: Fine, isohyperthermic, Lithic Haplustolls
A calcareous fine textured soil with less than 65 clay developed from the weathering of the soft and porous coralline limestones which are usually grayish but become orange to dark yellowish gray upon weathering It is dark colored with high organic matter content oll and high base status It exhibits minimum complexity in its horizonation Hapl Limestone fragments are found in the shallow horizon lithic It is usually found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic has mean annual temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic