Guimbalaon Series
Soil Fertility | Low |
Soil pH | Slightly acid (5.0 |
Organic Matter | Moderate |
Phosphorus (P) | Low highly fixed |
Potassium (K) | Low highly fixed |
Nutrient Retention | Moderate |
Base Saturation | Low to moderate |
Salinity Hazard | None |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Rolling to hilly |
Water Retention | Low to moderate |
Drainage | Moderate to good |
Permeability | Moderate to rapid |
Workability/Tilth | Moderate to easy |
Stoniness | Outcrops and pebbles |
Rooting Depth | Shallow (0.5 m) |
Flooding | None |
Erosion | Severe |
Surface Soil Type: Clay/fine sandy loam/Loam/Gravelly loam
Family name: Fine, loamy, skeletal, mixed, isohyperthermic Andic Haplustept
Soils formed from older alluvium which are country rocks and washed out materials from the upper slopes that have developed into brown or dark brown soils It has a fine loamy texture with more than 15 fine sand 18 35 clay and 35 or more rock fragments skeletal It is a young soil in its incipient development stage toward mature soil but has not yet fully developed its diagnostic horizons ept inceptisol It exhibits minimum complexity in its horizonation hapl This soil has significant amounts of amorphous minerals and Al OH complexes andic It is found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic and has a mean annual temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic This soil is traversed by numerous deep gullies and rivers