
Soil Series

Information System

La Castellana Series
Soil Fertility Low to moderate
Soil pH Acidic (5 .0
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) Low fixed
Potassium (K) Moderate
Nutrient Retention Moderate
Base Saturation Moderate
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Rolling to hilly
Water Retention Low
Drainage Good to excessive
Permeability Moderate to rapid
Workability/Tilth Easy (without outcrops)
Stoniness Boulder outcrops
Rooting Depth Shallow (0.5 m)
Flooding None
Erosion Severe
Surface Soil Type: Clay loam
Family name: Clayey-skeletal, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic, Oxic Dystropepts
Soils developed from andesites and basalts and partly from volcanic tuff breccia and other igneous rocks This soil has 35 or more rock fragments clayey skeletal composed mainly of non expanding 11 kaolinite minerals It is an inceptisol ept a young soil in its incipient development stage toward mature soil but has not yet fully developed its diagnostic horizons It has a subsurface horizon that is coarse textured with less than 10 clay and consists of weatherable minerals The mean annual soil temperature is higher than 22C isohyperthermic