Obando Series
Soil Fertility | Low |
Soil pH | Slightly acid to slightly alkaline (5.5 |
Organic Matter | Very low |
Phosphorus (P) | Low |
Potassium (K) | Low |
Nutrient Retention | Low to moderate |
Base Saturation | High |
Salinity Hazard | Moderate |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Coastal plain |
Water Retention | Low |
Drainage | Good |
Permeability | Moderate to rapid |
Workability/Tilth | Easy |
Stoniness | None |
Rooting Depth | Deep (1 m) |
Flooding | Frequent shallow flooding by rain and run-off water |
Erosion | None |
Surface Soil Type: Sand
Family name: Coarse loamy over sandy, mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Eutropepts
A calcareous soil developed from accumulated materials of sea wave actions and hence sand particles consist chiefly of quartz and mixed with broken marine shells It has a coarse loamy texture with more than 15 fine sand including rock fragments and less than 18 clay It is a typical typic representative of the great group Eutropeptsan Inceptisol ept in incipient development stage toward mature soil but the diagnostic horizons are not yet fully developed This soil has high base saturation of more than 50 eutr The mean annual soil temperature is higher than 22C isohyperthermic