Pulupandan Series
Soil Fertility | Low to moderate |
Soil pH | Slightly acid (5.5 |
Organic Matter | Moderate |
Phosphorus (P) | Low |
Potassium (K) | Low |
Nutrient Retention | Moderate |
Base Saturation | Low |
Salinity Hazard | None |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Beach ridges |
Water Retention | Low |
Drainage | Excessive |
Permeability | Rapid |
Workability/Tilth | Easy |
Stoniness | Cagaycay at 20 cm |
Rooting Depth | Moderate (0.5 m) |
Flooding | None |
Erosion | None |
Surface Soil Type: Sandy loam
Family name: Mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Tropopsamments
Composed of different minerals mixed It is a typical typic representative of the great group Tropopsamments a young soil ents Entisol with a coarser texture psamm consisting of less than 35 rock fragments It is found in humid areas trop with mean annual temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic