
Soil Series

Information System

90 below
San Manuel Series
Soil Fertility High
Soil pH Neutral (6.5
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) High
Potassium (K) Moderate
Nutrient Retention Moderate to high
Base Saturation Very high
Salinity Hazard Low
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Level to slightly undulating
Water Retention Moderate
Drainage Good
Permeability Moderate to rapid
Workability/Tilth Easy
Stoniness None
Rooting Depth Deep (>1 m)
Flooding Seasonal by river water
Erosion None
Surface Soil Type: Loam/fine Sandy loam
Family name: Fine loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic, Fluventic Eutropepts
A non calcareous soil formed in recent water deposited sediments mainly in flood plains As such these soils are subject to frequent flooding Fluv and therefore stratified fluventic It is a young soil in its incipient development stage toward a mature soil epts Inceptisol with high base saturation greater than 50 Eutr It is a fine loamy textured soil with more than 15 fine sand and moderate amount of clay 18 35 composed of different clay minerals It is found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic and a mean annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic