
Soil Series

Information System

Tupi Series
Soil Fertility Low to moderate
Soil pH Acidic (4.5
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) High
Potassium (K) Low
Nutrient Retention Low
Base Saturation Very low
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Undulating to rolling
Water Retention Low
Drainage Moderate to good
Permeability Moderate to rapid
Workability/Tilth Easy
Stoniness Common at 0.3 m
Rooting Depth Shallow (<0.5 m)
Flooding None
Erosion Moderate to severe
Surface Soil Type: Silt loam/fine Sandy loam
Family name: Medial/ cindery, isohyperthermic Umbric Vintradepts
Soil developed from underlying residual material of partially weathered andesitic rocks It is coarse textured having more than 60 volcanic ash cinders and pumice fragments medial and less than 35 rock fragments cindery It is in the incipient development stage toward a mature soil but has not yet fully developed its diagnostic horizons ept Inceptisol It has a dark colored surface soil composed of coarse fragments of less than 30 cm in diameter have high organic carbon 06 and less than 50 base saturation Umbric It is commonly found in humid climates that have well distributed rainfall 7 months wet and 2 months dry The mean annual soil temperature is higher than 22C isohyperthermic This soil is traversed by intermittent rivers and creeks