Antipolo SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-20 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 36 moist clay loam weak medium granular friable sticky and non plastic few fine inped and many medium tubular pores few medium and very few coarse and many very fine roots wavy gradual boundary |
20-40 | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist clay moderate medium platy firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic very few coarse and medium tubular pores many medium and many fine very fine roots irregular gradual boundary |
40-120 | Strong brown 75YR 46 moist sandy clay loam moderate medium blocky friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic few coarse and many medium tubular pores many fine and many medium roots presence of medium gravels wavy diffuse boundary |
120-below | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist gravelly clay weak medium blocky friable sticky and non plastic few coarse and few medium tubular pores very few fine and medium roots presence of slightly weathered gravels wavy diffuse boundary |
LAT: 16.27028
LNG: 122.09171
