Cauayan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-19 | Dark brown to very dark brown 75YR 33 moist sandy loam very fine to medium granular structure loose to friable many fine roots many fine inped and few fine tubular pores common Mn concretions few rounded pebbles abrupt smooth boundary pH 58 |
19-32 | Dark brown to very dark brown 75YR 34 moist loam fine granular structure loose many fine roots many fine inped pores 90 pebbles many Mn concretions very few Fe concretions clear wavy boundary |
32-51 | Yellowish brown 10YR 54 moist loam fine granular structure loose many fine roots many fine inped pores 90 pebbles common Fe concretions Few Mn concretions gradual smooth boundary |
51-72 | Pale olive 5Y 64 brownish yellow 10YR 68 and red 10R 48 moist clay moderate fine to medium subangular blocky structure friable to firm few fine roots common pebbles Fe and Mn concretions present clear smooth boundary |
72-107 | 72 107Light yellowish brown 25Y 64 red 10R 48 white 10YR 82 moist massive clay very few fine roots stones present very few Fe and Mn concretions diffuse smooth boundary |
107 below | Yellow to brownish yellow 10YR 76 red 10R 48 white 10YR 82 nmoist massive clay very few fine roots many larger stones very few Mn concretions |
LAT: 16.67308833
LNG: 121.6452144
