Hernani SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-6 | Plow layer 10YR 82 moist silty clay loam strong fine subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic many fine inped pores common fine roots common fine marine sediments common limestone gravels clear smooth boundary |
6-17 | Hardpan 10YR 31 moist silty clay moderate fine subangular blocky friable to firm slightly sticky and non plastic common coarse distinct irregular red mottles common very fine inped pores common very fine roots common coarse marine sediments abrupt smooth boundary |
17-35 | 10 YR 82 wet structureless very few medium inped pores few very fine roots marine sediments with common coarse shells mixture diffuse smooth boundary |
35-54 | marine sediments and coralline limestone rock water table below |
LAT: 11.30330556
LNG: 125.6059722
