General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-28 | 75 YR 33 moist clay fine granular sticky and plastic common fine and many very fine tubular pores many very fine and fine common medium and coarse roots diffuse smooth boundary |
28-65 | 5YR 44 when moist clay weak fine subangular and angular blocky breaking to fine granular friable sticky and plastic presence of hard rocksstones many very fine tubular pores many very fine common fine medium and coarse roots diffuse smooth boundary |
65-96 | 5YR 34 when moist clay weak fine subangular and angular blocky breaking to granular firm plastic and sticky many small weathered rocks common very fine tubular pores common very fine and fine few medium and coarse roots |
LAT: 13.91222
LNG: 123.44056
