
Soil Series

Information System

Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Anini Y Alimodian 2,996.02
Patnongon 1,696.87
Barbaza Alimodian 6,991.64
San Manuel 858.98
Umingan 831.12
Beach Sand 423.15
Mountain soil (undiffe 7,825.89
Belison Alimodian 1,231.63
Magcalon 162.97
Sta. Rita 1,064.61
Umingan 368.43
Mountain soil (undiffe 664.81
Bugasong Alimodian 6,317.65
San Manuel 1,834.61
Umingan 925.91
Beach Sand 437.60
Mountain soil (undiffe 8,118.95
Caluya Mountain soil (undiffe 6,021.27
Culasi Alimodian 6,976.43
Umingan 3,796.21
Beach Sand 572.92
Mountain soil (undiffe 8,173.25
Hamtic Alimodian 5,260.36
Patnongon 236.76
Sta. Rita 2,728.22
Umingan 1,023.72
Hydrosol 110.05
Beach Sand 100.29
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,708.25
Laua An Alimodian 8,794.92
Patnongon 202.75
San Manuel 20.90
Umingan 1,286.62
Beach Sand 791.83
Mountain soil (undiffe 5,184.61
Libertad Alimodian 3,472.58
Sta. Rita 1,491.19
Beach Sand 148.63
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,233.84
Pandan Alimodian 7,134.70
Magcalon 535.38
Patnongon 320.23
San Manuel 13.12
Sta. Rita 871.54
Umingan 1,445.60
Beach Sand 833.42
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,594.67
Patnongon Alimodian 6,263.24
Magcalon 253.82
Patnongon 1,379.10
Sta. Rita 198.71
Umingan 1,377.29
Beach Sand 33.35
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,731.81
San Jose Magcalon 960.85
Sta. Rita 2,409.11
Umingan 203.44
Hydrosol 0.48
Beach Sand 257.14
San Remigio Alimodian 17,625.71
Sta. Rita 685.73
Umingan 1,088.10
Mountain soil (undiffe 17,690.23
Sebaste Alimodian 3,844.61
Patnongon 209.39
Umingan 1,568.01
Beach Sand 790.45
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,928.19
Sibalom Alimodian 8,127.10
Sta. Rita 7,373.77
Umingan 2,212.66
Mountain soil (undiffe 6,341.78
Tibiao Alimodian 5,416.49
San Manuel 994.53
Umingan 1,296.44
Beach Sand 316.21
Mountain soil (undiffe 965.50
Tobias Fornier Alimodian 7,748.76
Patnongon 851.99
Sta. Rita 979.62
Beach Sand 150.71
Mountain soil (undiffe 55.99
Valderrama Alimodian 6,822.79
Umingan 643.44
Mountain soil (undiffe 23,500.49
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Alimodian Heavy clay subsoil that can impede internal drainage and root development; hilly topography; acidic Adequate fertilization; seedbed configuration; terracing; liming in upland rice Organic matter incorporation; liming; minimum tillage; deep plowing; mulching Deep plowing; adequate fertilizer application; intensive soil conservation practices
Magcalon Low fertility, low moisture; excessive run-off; shallow soil depth Adequate NPK fertilization; through land preparation Crop rotation with leguminous crops; application of farm and green manures OM incorporation to improve soil fertility
Patnongon Low fertility; presence of gravels and stones in the subsoil Adequate fertilization; thorough land preparation Farm and green manuring; crop rotation; thorough land preparation Farm and green manuring; thorough land preparation
San Manuel Annual flooding for short periods and excessive drought during dry months Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; respond well to N fertilization Adequate flood control systems, use broadbeds and ridges Adequate drainage, irrigation, and flood-control systems, regular addition of organic matter
Sta. Rita Soil becomes hard upon drying causing surface cracking and difficulty in tillage; K and ammonium (NH4+) fixation; poor drainage causing Zn deficiency and slow mineralization of N Best suited for lowland rice; adequate and balanced fertilization; phosphate fertilization; adequate drainage system; Zn fertilization when deficient Organic matter incorporation; cover crops; mulching; construction of broadbeds, ridges, and furrows Not suited to rootcrops due to heavy texture of the soil
Umingan Relatively low fertility; presence of gravels and stones in the subsoil; excessive downward movement of water, hence tend to be droughty; seasonal flooding especially after heavy rains Adequate fertilization; organic matter incorporation to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity Adequate drainage, irrigation, flood control systems, and adequate fertilization; organic matter application; adjust cropping seasons to prevent hazards of flooding especially during rainy season Gravels and stones impede root development, hence may cause lower root yields