
Soil Series

Information System

Patnongon Series
Soil Fertility Low
Soil pH Acid (5.0-6.5)
Organic Matter Low to moderate
Phosphorus (P) Low
Potassium (K) Deficient
Nutrient Retention Low
Base Saturation Moderate
Salinity Hazard Low
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Level to moderately rolling
Water Retention Low
Drainage Poor to moderate
Permeability Slow to moderate
Workability/Tilth Moderate
Stoniness Occasional (gravels and stones)
Rooting Depth Shallow (0.5m)
Flooding None
Erosion Moderate
Surface Soil Type: Sandy clay loam
Family name: Clayey skeletal, isohyperthermic, Aquic Eutrudepts
A clayey textured soil with coarse fragments skeletal This soil is in the incipient development toward a mature soil epts Inceptisol and has high base saturation of at least 50 Eutr It is saturated with water for repeated periods of time aquic found in areas with well distributed rainfall ud Udic and has a mean annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic