
Soil Series

Information System

Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Calanasan Alaminos 197.64
Aroman 1,024.01
San Manuel 130.00
Mountain soil (undiffe 93,463.56
Conner Alimodian 9,089.00
Aroman 1,438.65
Bantay 652.72
Bauang 25,502.26
Ilagan 45.44
Isabela 9.89
Quingua 928.38
San Juan 53.49
San Manuel 170.08
Mountain soil (undiffe 39,623.79
Flora Alaminos 20,891.44
Bantay 1,132.11
Quingua 3,458.75
San Manuel 855.94
Toran 723.52
Mountain soil (undiffe 5,014.32
River wash 91.15
Kabugao Alaminos 6,189.90
Aroman 40,226.86
Bauang 10,456.18
Mountain soil (undiffe 36,650.40
Luna Alaminos 17,536.72
Alimodian 1,358.51
Quingua 2,576.91
San Manuel 536.44
Toran 1,470.48
Mountain soil (undiffe 36,785.08
River wash 36.47
Pudtol Alaminos 11,935.30
Aroman 1,476.21
Quingua 845.63
San Manuel 3,795.49
Mountain soil (undiffe 10,214.37
River wash 98.73
Santa Marcela Alaminos 584.14
Bantay 70.62
Quingua 2,305.03
San Manuel 131.01
Toran 1,598.98
Mountain soil (undiffe 17.85
River wash 15.04
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Alaminos Acid soil; low fertility; low base saturation; excessive erosion Liming in upland rice; application of fertilizers; terracing Contour farming and/or strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure; application of phosphate fertilizers; plant acid-tolerant crops Moderately suitable for cassava and camote; practice contour cropping; addition of organic matter and fertilization; timing of planting
Alimodian Heavy clay subsoil that can impede internal drainage and root development; susceptible to erosion; acidic; rolling to mountainous topography Adequate fertilization; seedbed configuration; terracing; liming in upland rice Organic matter incorporation; liming or plant acid-tolerant crops; minimum tillage; deep plowing; mulching; cultivate in gentler slope; strip cropping Deep plowing; adequate fertilizer application; intensive soil conservation practices; cultivate in gentler slope
Aroman Rolling to mountainous topography causes severe erosion Suited for rainfed upland/lowland rice; terracing; application of fertilizers to supply and maintain soil fertility Close-growing crops are safe to grow without creating erosion hazard; contour farming and/or strip cropping; cultivate in gentler slope Close-growing crops are safe to grow without creating erosion hazard; contour farming and/or strip cropping; cultivate in gentler slope
Bantay Acidic; shallow soil limits productivity of shallow-rooted crops; low K; moderate erosion; high water retention Liming upland rice; adequate fertilization; OM addition; terracing Liming; adequate fertilization; OM addition or green manuring; practice contour tillage and strip cropping Moderately suited to sweet potato; adequate fertilization; OM addition or green manuring; practice contour tillage and strip cropping
Bauang Hilly topography causing severe erosion that causes loss of surface soil and exposing the subsoil or substratum; low fertility; excessive run-off; slightly acidic; presence of stratified shale and sandstone near surface that slows down percolation of wate Suitable for rainfed upland rice and rainfed lowland rice during dry season with supplemental irrigation; contour terracing for higher elevated areas; adequate fertilization Application of farm manure and plowing under of legumes to supply organic matter; soil erosion control measures like contour tillage and strip cropping; crop rotation Application of farm manure and plowing under of legumes to supply organic matter; contour tillage and strip cropping to minimize erosion; crop rotation
Ilagan Compact substratum prevents rapid infiltration; Al toxicity; rolling to hilly topography causes risk of erosion; low P, K and available OM Suitable for rainfed upland rice and rainfed lowland rice during dry season with supplemental irrigation; contour terracing; adequate fertilization Green manuring; liming; phosphate fertilization; soil erosion control measures like contour tillage, and strip cropping Green manuring; liming; phosphate fertilizer application; soil erosion control measures
Isabela Poor drainage; slower N mineralization; Zn deficiency in rice; high P fixation; severe topsoil shrinking and swelling; hard to till; seasonal river flooding Application of zinc sulfate in lowland rice when deficiency occurs; N and P fertilization; construction of drainage and flood control systems N and P fertilization; construction of drainage and flood control systems; use of broadbeds and ridges; cultivate only at optimum moisture content; cover cropping N and P fertilization; build drainage canals; cultivate only at optimum moisture content; construct broadbeds and ridges
Quingua Seasonal flooding; low OM; excessive drainage Suited for paddy rice; application of inorganic fertilizers to maintain the fertility of the soil; irrigation system; observe flood control measures due to seasonal flooding Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control systems; proper timing of cultivation and planting Suited for root crops; construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control systems; proper timing of cultivation and planting
San Juan Presence of duripan that damages the roots and prevents deeper penetration, retard or stop the infiltration of water, high risk of erosion; poor drainage; low OM and available P Erosion control system like contouring; adequate fertilization; OM addition Contouring and cover cropping; construction of adequate drainage; use of broadbeds and ridges; adequate fertilization; OM addition Erosion control system like contouring; construction of adequate drainage
San Manuel Excessively wet and annual flooding for short periods and excessive drought during dry season; low OM Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; OM addition thru animal or green manuring Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control systems for seasonal flood hazard and high seasonal water table; use broad beds and ridges; suited for diversified crops such as corn, and vegetables during dry season with supplemental irri Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility
Toran Poor drainage; surface hardening and cracking during dry season making tillage difficult; low in P and K; tidal/infrequent flooding Suitable to rice production due to its clayey texture; apply fertilizer to maintain the fertility of the soil; construction of adequate drainage, irrigation system; observe flood control measures; PK fertilization Use of broadbeds, ridges or furrows and mulching; timing of planting; adequate PK fertilizer; construction of drainage and flood control system Not suitable for rootcrops due to flood constraint