
Soil Series

Information System

Bauang Series
Soil Fertility Moderate
Soil pH Slightly acid to neutral (5.0-7.5)
Organic Matter Low
Phosphorus (P) Low
Potassium (K) Moderate
Nutrient Retention Moderate
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Hilly to mountainous
Water Retention Low
Drainage Good
Permeability Slow
Workability/Tilth Easy to moderate
Stoniness Common weathered white rock fragments
Rooting Depth Moderate to deep
Flooding None
Erosion Moderate to severe
Surface Soil Type: Clay loam
Family name: Fine-loamy, montmorillonitic, isohyperthermic, Oxic Haplustept
Soil developed from stratified shale and sandstone It has a fine loamy texture with more than 15 fine sand and 18 35 clay A young soil in its incipient development stage towards mature soil ept Inceptisol and has a low nutrient status oxic The mean temperature is higher than 22C isohyperthermic