
Soil Series

Information System

Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Baler Annam 5,861.34
Baler 3,774.26
Bugko 85.19
Guimbalaon 279.61
Umingan 402.87
River wash 190.39
Casiguran Antipolo 23,137.72
Baler 11,989.67
Cervantes 6,302.00
Hydrosol 375.29
Mountain soil (undiffe 20,320.19
Dilasag Antipolo 15,485.66
Baler 2,727.88
Polillo 2,952.69
Hydrosol 121.63
Beach Sand 439.34
Mountain soil (undiffe 17,426.22
Dinalungan Baler 3,740.87
Cervantes 753.70
Umingan 350.12
Mountain soil (undiffe 18,351.67
Dingalan Annam 17,826.08
Sibul 11.14
Umingan 1,635.09
Mountain soil (undiffe 16,215.18
Dipaculao Annam 10,610.38
Baler 2,840.83
Bugko 309.51
Cervantes 829.86
Tagkawayan 66.06
Umingan 1,674.89
Zaragosa 747.26
Mountain soil (undiffe 19,962.09
Maria Aurora Annam 10,741.61
Baler 6,739.09
Guimbalaon 5,817.66
Umingan 3,459.02
Mountain soil (undiffe 8,995.20
River wash 29.48
San Luis Annam 18,329.01
Baler 2,226.83
Guimbalaon 4,525.53
Umingan 4,121.92
Mountain soil (undiffe 25,023.86
River wash 576.75
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Annam Aluminum (Al) and Iron (Fe) Toxicity (acidic soil); run-off; sloping topography causes excessive erosion Poorly drained soils on the alluvial basin are moderately suitable for paddy; fertilization; maintain properly the paddy dikes; suitable for upland rice during wet season Green manuring; liming; large initial application of phosphate fertilizers; suitable for diversified crops; strip cropping Liming; contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
Antipolo Sloping topography that causes risk of erosion; low available P; acid soil Suitable for upland rice; phosphate fertilizers application Contour farming; suitable for acid-tolerant crops; liming; addition of phosphate fertilizers Contour farming; phosphorus application; suitable for growing cassava and camote
Baler Has very minimal problems; Water seepage in lowland rice production Practice puddling the soil to minimize seepage; proper amount and timing of fertilizer application; maintenance of paddy dikes Application of fertilizers to maintain soil fertility; green manuring or plowing under to sustain soil organic matter; crop rotation; cover cropping with legumes for tree crops; pest and diseases resistant crop species. Application of fertilizers to maintain soil fertility; green manuring or plowing under to sustain soil organic matter; crop rotation; cover cropping with legumes for tree crops; pest and diseases resistant crop species
Bugko Low fertility, droughtiness, slight salinity due to high tide flooding; poor drainage during high tide due to high standing groundwater table Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers, farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers, farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season; use of broadbeds or ridges; mulching Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers, farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season; use of broadbeds or ridges; mulching
Cervantes Soil erosion and runoff, and low fertility Not suitable for lowland rice; for upland rice production construct terrace with proper outlets or strip cropping; fertilizer application according to needs Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; lime Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; lime
Guimbalaon Poor nutrient retention (leaching of bases); acidic; P and K deficiency (due to fixation); presence of hardpan; low moisture; severe erosion; presence of rock outcrops that impede drainage OM incorporation; liming; suitable for rice but needs terracing and use of outcrops for re-enforcing dikes Contour terracing/farming; erosion prevention and water control practices; proper fertilization; OM incorporation; liming; subsoiling to break hardpan Liming; proper fertilization and OM incorporation; contour terracing; subsoiling to break hardpan
Polillo low fertility, droughtiness, slight salinity due to high tide flooding Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers and organic matter to improve fertility, structure and texture; use of farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season; mulching. Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers and organic matter to improve fertility, structure and texture; use of farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season; mulching Well-planned crop rotation to sustain the soil organic matter; addition of mineral fertilizers and organic matter to improve fertility, structure and texture; use of farm manure or compost; supplemental irrigation especially during dry season; mulching
Sibul Shallow soil due to erosion; undulating to steep topography; sometimes presence of limestone fragment at the top soil Not suited for irrigated lowland production because of irrigation constraints; leveling and terracing Application of fertilizer and organic matter; practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and groundcover help conserve moisture, slow runoff, minimize and control erosion; mulching using organic materials help sustain soil fertility; Contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; proper fertilization; proper timing of cultivation and planting; liming; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
Tagkawayan Soil Erosion and runoff, and low fertility; presence of Not suitable for lowland rice; for upland rice production construct terrace with proper outlets or strip cropping; fertilizer application according to needs. Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close-growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; lime a Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close-growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; lime a
Umingan River flooding; gravelly subsoil layer causes drought Application of fertilizer; clearing of large gravels and rock Construction of adequate irrigation and flood control system; application of fertilizer and organic matter; suited for diversified crops Fravelly subsoil may cause lower yield of root crops
Zaragosa Becomes under water during rainy season due to low physiography; very poor drainage; forms into clod which causes difficulty in tillage and surface cracking when dry. Suitable for paddy rice; minimize drying of soil during dry season Construction of adequate irrigation and flood control system; OM application or green manuring Not suited due to soil hardening and cracking that may impede plant root or tuber