
Soil Series

Information System

Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Cuartero Alimodian 8,015.27
Faraon 226.16
Maligaya 1,671.39
San Manuel 821.27
San Rafael 83.49
Dao Alimodian 3,684.92
Bantog 131.29
Maligaya 2,205.53
San Manuel 754.23
Dumalag Alimodian 4,242.02
Faraon 2,380.24
Maligaya 1,999.48
San Manuel 812.38
Mountain soil (undiffe 263.02
Dumarao Alimodian 8,945.27
Faraon 6,069.87
Luisiana 4,840.11
Maligaya 1,428.33
San Rafael 781.97
Sara 779.35
Ivisan Bantog 852.57
Luisiana 1,033.40
Sapian (upland) 3,385.76
Sta. Rita 132.41
Hydrosol 269.61
Jamindan Alimodian 27,912.30
San Manuel 1,660.77
Mountain soil (undiffe 20,443.02
Ma Ayon Alimodian 15,200.39
Bantog 0.91
San Manuel 101.29
San Rafael 3,957.59
Mambusao Alimodian 5,435.10
Bantog 2,412.18
Luisiana 361.77
San Manuel 1,475.33
Sapian (upland) 366.74
Mountain soil (undiffe 274.59
Panay Alimodian 35.26
Bantog 3,094.65
San Manuel 1,168.74
Hydrosol 8,745.21
Beach Sand 49.56
Panitan Alimodian 3,557.52
Bantog 2,515.32
Luisiana 807.43
Maligaya 431.05
San Manuel 1,583.28
Pilar Alimodian 3,599.22
Faraon 743.72
San Rafael 3,396.01
Sara 3,139.85
Hydrosol 1,046.24
Beach Sand 115.23
Pontevedra Alimodian 3,097.93
Bantog 2,186.26
Luisiana 537.00
San Manuel 19.33
San Rafael 219.95
Sara 442.78
Hydrosol 2,996.99
President Roxas Alimodian 3,954.33
San Rafael 1,247.96
Sara 1,278.33
Hydrosol 1,253.35
Roxas City Alimodian 129.28
Bantog 2,551.40
Luisiana 3,078.44
San Manuel 1,359.33
Sapian (upland) 515.97
Hydrosol 2,007.87
Beach Sand 92.69
Sapi An Alimodian 519.56
Bantog 347.37
Luisiana 292.82
Sapian (upland) 4,252.67
Sta. Rita 636.13
Hydrosol 1,360.66
Sigma Alimodian 2,474.85
Bantog 2,034.09
Luisiana 4,730.04
Maligaya 122.50
San Manuel 941.16
Sapian (upland) 73.69
Mountain soil (undiffe 12.61
Tapaz Alimodian 30,793.21
Faraon 41.33
San Manuel 40.34
Mountain soil (undiffe 20,723.83
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Alimodian Heavy clay subsoil that can impede internal drainage and root development; hilly topography; acidic Adequate fertilization; seedbed configuration; terracing; liming in upland rice Organic matter incorporation; liming; minimum tillage; deep plowing; mulching Deep plowing; adequate fertilizer application; intensive soil conservation practices
Bantog Poor drainage which can cause low N mineralization and Zn deficiency; very hard when dry, and difficult to cultivate when wet; seasonal flooding in low areas; slow permeability Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; adequate water control systems; proper maintenance of dikes Adequate drainage, irrigation, and flood control systems; use broadbeds, ridges or furrows and mulching; application of plant residues and animal manure Provide adequate drainage and irrigation systems; apply organic residues and farm manures
Faraon Shallow effective soil depth limiting productivity of shallow-rooted crops; rock outcrops are present; hilly topography; plants may suffer Fe and Zn deficiency due to high pH; K deficiency; growing period is possible only in rainy season unless irrigated Construction of bunds; application of ZnSO42- in lowland rice if deficiency occurs Contour farming; shallow cultivation; fertilization Not suited to root crops due to shallow rooting and presence of outcrops
Luisiana Highly leaches; very acidic; Fe or Al toxicity; low K, Ca, Mg; low nutrient retention; run-off; hilly topography Liming upland rice; adequate P and K fertilization Contour farming; strip cropping and cover cropping; adequate fertilization. Best suited for root crop; OM incorporation to improve fertility
Maligaya Difficult to cultivate when wet and hard when dry; poor drainage; very slow air and water infiltration Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; adequate irrigation Adequate fertilization and organic matter application; provide adequate drainage systems; use broadbeds, ridges, and mulching. Establish adequate drainage and irrigation systems; adequate fertilization; proper timing of cultivation and planting
San Manuel Annual flooding for short periods and excessive drought during dry months Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; respond well to N fertilization Adequate flood control systems, use broadbeds and ridges Adequate drainage, irrigation, and flood-control systems, regular addition of organic matter
San Rafael Fe or Al toxicity; acidic; very low fertility; hilly topography; high run-off; K-deficient, high erodibility Adequate fertilization; phosphate fertilization; liming in upland rice; terracing/ contour farming Liming; adequate fertilization; organic matter incorporation; mulching; intercropping/multiple cropping; contour farming. Suited for root crops
Sapian (upland) Presence of rock outcrops; shallow depth; hilly topography; excessive drainage; low fertility Adequate fertilization; liming upland rice; terracing; adequate irrigation Adequate fertilization with liming; organic matter incorporation; mulching; intercropping/ multiple cropping; contour farming. Adequate fertlization with liming; organic matter incorporation; contour farming
Sara Soil becomes hard upon drying creating wide cracks at the surface; difficult to till; acidic; lack of irrigation water; Fe toxicity Liming in upland rice; application of organic manure to improve soil tilth; adequate fertilization; irrigation system with adequate drainage; alternate wetting and drying responds well to N and P fertilization Liming; land preparation with adequate moisture; subsoiling. Not suited to root crops due to heavy texture of the soil
Sta. Rita Soil fertility; soil becomes hard upon drying causing surface cracking and difficulty in tillage. K and ammonium (NH4) fixation; poor drainage causing Zn deficiency and slow mineralization of N. Best suited to lowland rice; adequate and balance fertilization; phosphate fertilization; adequate draiange system; Zn fertilization when deficient. Organic matter incorporation; cover crops; mulching; construction of broadbeds, ridges and furrows. Not suited for root crops due to heavy texture of the soil.