
Soil Series

Information System

Nueva Ecija
Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Aliaga Quingua 9,849.79
Zaragosa 516.32
Bongabon Annam 14,058.26
Quingua 206.95
Umingan 8,260.69
Mountain soil (undiffe 0.66
Cabanatuan City Annam 40.32
Prensa 7,605.70
Quingua 11,696.06
Cabiao Bantog 2,593.44
Quingua 7,948.02
Mountain soil (undiffe 32.36
Carranglan Annam 76,369.09
Umingan 72.47
Cuyapo Annam 1,888.49
Bantog 5,940.17
San Fabian 8,021.04
San Manuel 2,240.26
Gabaldon Annam 21,721.68
Umingan 4,028.04
Mountain soil (undiffe 627.24
Gapan City Annam 103.00
Bantog 10,511.56
Prensa 1,029.44
Quingua 437.74
Sibul 4,262.75
General Mamerto Natividad Annam 636.75
Prensa 5,408.46
Quingua 5,181.18
Umingan 180.43
General Tinio Annam 61,888.60
Prensa 627.62
Quingua 339.91
Sibul 2,724.53
Mountain soil (undiffe 402.85
Guimba Bantog 7,669.32
Quingua 12,084.25
San Fabian 462.23
Zaragosa 1,043.37
Jaen Bantog 17.28
Quingua 8,855.12
Laur Annam 14,090.67
Umingan 2,706.14
Licab Quingua 4,362.18
Zaragosa 1,111.94
Llanera Maligaya 2,710.61
Prensa 5,647.53
Quingua 2,335.21
Lupao Annam 3,837.32
Maligaya 1,177.21
Umingan 8,066.73
Muoz City Annam 423.24
Maligaya 8,832.97
Quingua 3,033.87
Nampicuan Bantog 2,028.33
San Manuel 2,413.51
Palayan City Annam 6,507.98
Prensa 1,098.34
Quingua 800.81
Umingan 431.60
Pantabangan Annam 40,421.25
Quingua 216.01
Umingan 1,521.12
Mountain soil (undiffe 35.97
Pearanda Annam 1,322.51
Bantog 345.71
Prensa 3,429.54
Quingua 230.40
Sibul 908.21
Mountain soil (undiffe 431.51
Quezon Quingua 7,629.41
Rizal Annam 9,222.05
Prensa 4,416.15
Quingua 280.36
Umingan 2,321.53
San Antonio Quingua 14,085.87
Zaragosa 2,218.79
San Isidro Bantog 4,138.14
Quingua 311.05
San Jose City Annam 2,871.86
Maligaya 4,207.75
Prensa 969.04
Umingan 8,918.26
San Leonardo Bantog 2,816.75
Quingua 2,185.77
Santa Rosa Annam 3,328.70
Bantog 941.33
Prensa 2,628.48
Quingua 7,150.08
Santo Domingo Maligaya 93.50
Quingua 7,455.45
Talavera Maligaya 2,749.03
Quingua 7,301.46
Talugtug Annam 4,470.56
Maligaya 181.15
Quingua 3,008.63
San Fabian 2,442.34
Zaragoza Quingua 5,404.28
Zaragosa 3,776.97
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Annam Aluminum (Al) and Iron (Fe) Toxicity; run-off; sloping topography Poorly drained soils on the alluvial basin are moderatley suitable for paddy; fertilization; maintain properly the paddy dikes. Green manuring; liming; large initial application of phosphate fertilizers; suitable for diversified crops. Liming; contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
Bantog Poor drainage; high shrink and swell capacity upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil, hard when dry; seasonal flooding in low areas; slow permeability Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; suited for irrigated and rainfed paddy rice; maintain properly the paddy dikes Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard in low areas; use of broadbeds, ridges or furrows and mulching; application of organic matter and farm manure Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; application of organic matter and farm manure
Maligaya Heavy clay poor drainage; high shrink and swell capacity upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil, hard when dry; very slow permeability Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; suited for irrigated and rainfed paddy rice; maintain properly the paddy dikes Application of fertilizers and organic matter; allow proper drainage system in the field to address the heavy clay texture of this soil; use broadbeds, ridges and mulching Establishment of adequate draiange and irrigation system; use of the right kind and amount of fetilizers including their methods of application; proper timing of cultivation and planting.
Prensa Dissected physiography limits paddy field size and excess elevations increase cost of extensive gravity irrigation inputs; 2:1 clay causes physical limitations for diversified crops; sloping topography requires contour cultivation Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; proper leveling, construction and maintenance of paddy dikes Application of fertilizers and organic matter; requires contour cultivation; use green manures and mulches; proper timing of cultivation and planting Establishment of adequate draiange and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure; proper timing of cultivation and planting
Quingua Climate, seasonal flooding Suited for paddy rice; application of inorganic fetilizers to maintain the fertility of the soil suited for diversified crops; construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; proper timing of cultivation and planting Suited for root crops; construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; proper timing of cultivation and planting
San Fabian During the dry season, the unplowed soil is compact and hard, and cracks into big clods; sloping topography; irrigation problems Not suitable for irrigated lowland rice production due to irrigation problems; suited for rainfed rice Practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and ground cover help conserve moisture; minimize runoff and control erosion; practice green manuring to improve soil fertility and structure; suited for vegetables and other cash crops Subsoiling; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
San Manuel Excessively wet and annual flooding for short periods and excessive droughtiness from March to May; low phosphorus content Application of phosphate fertilizers; suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard and high seasonal water table; use broadbeds and ridges; suited for diversified crops such as corn, vegetables and water melon Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility
Sibul Shallow soil; undulating to steep topography; sometimes presence of limestone fragment at the top soil Nor suited for irrigated lowland production because of irrigation constraints; leveling and terracing Application of fertilizer and organic matter; practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and groudcover ; slow runoff; minimize and control erosion;mulching using organic materials help sustain soil fertility; suited for any cash crop Contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; proper fertilization; proper timing of cultivation and planting; liming; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
Umingan Presence of gravelly or stony layer at the lower subsoil. Due to this layer of stones and gravels, the soil tends to be droughty; occurrence of floods during and after heavy rains Application of fertilizer; suited for paddy rice and other crops; clearing large gravel and rock outcrops. Construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; application of fertilizer and organic matter; suited for diversified crops. Gravel at the lower subsoil may cause the lower yield of root crops.
Zaragosa Seasonal flooding hazards and high seasonal water table; extreme climatic limitation; some depositional problem Suited for lowland rice production during dry season Application of phosphate fertilizers and organic matter; artificial irrigation and drainage required due to seasonal flooding hazard and high seasonal water table; allow proper drainage system; grow flod-tolerant crops during wet season Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation systems.