Nueva Ecija
Municipality | Soil Series | Area (Ha) |
Aliaga | Quingua | 9,849.79 |
Zaragosa | 516.32 | |
Bongabon | Annam | 14,058.26 |
Quingua | 206.95 | |
Umingan | 8,260.69 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 0.66 | |
Cabanatuan City | Annam | 40.32 |
Prensa | 7,605.70 | |
Quingua | 11,696.06 | |
Cabiao | Bantog | 2,593.44 |
Quingua | 7,948.02 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 32.36 | |
Carranglan | Annam | 76,369.09 |
Umingan | 72.47 | |
Cuyapo | Annam | 1,888.49 |
Bantog | 5,940.17 | |
San Fabian | 8,021.04 | |
San Manuel | 2,240.26 | |
Gabaldon | Annam | 21,721.68 |
Umingan | 4,028.04 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 627.24 | |
Gapan City | Annam | 103.00 |
Bantog | 10,511.56 | |
Prensa | 1,029.44 | |
Quingua | 437.74 | |
Sibul | 4,262.75 | |
General Mamerto Natividad | Annam | 636.75 |
Prensa | 5,408.46 | |
Quingua | 5,181.18 | |
Umingan | 180.43 | |
General Tinio | Annam | 61,888.60 |
Prensa | 627.62 | |
Quingua | 339.91 | |
Sibul | 2,724.53 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 402.85 | |
Guimba | Bantog | 7,669.32 |
Quingua | 12,084.25 | |
San Fabian | 462.23 | |
Zaragosa | 1,043.37 | |
Jaen | Bantog | 17.28 |
Quingua | 8,855.12 | |
Laur | Annam | 14,090.67 |
Umingan | 2,706.14 | |
Licab | Quingua | 4,362.18 |
Zaragosa | 1,111.94 | |
Llanera | Maligaya | 2,710.61 |
Prensa | 5,647.53 | |
Quingua | 2,335.21 | |
Lupao | Annam | 3,837.32 |
Maligaya | 1,177.21 | |
Umingan | 8,066.73 | |
Muoz City | Annam | 423.24 |
Maligaya | 8,832.97 | |
Quingua | 3,033.87 | |
Nampicuan | Bantog | 2,028.33 |
San Manuel | 2,413.51 | |
Palayan City | Annam | 6,507.98 |
Prensa | 1,098.34 | |
Quingua | 800.81 | |
Umingan | 431.60 | |
Pantabangan | Annam | 40,421.25 |
Quingua | 216.01 | |
Umingan | 1,521.12 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 35.97 | |
Pearanda | Annam | 1,322.51 |
Bantog | 345.71 | |
Prensa | 3,429.54 | |
Quingua | 230.40 | |
Sibul | 908.21 | |
Mountain soil (undiffe | 431.51 | |
Quezon | Quingua | 7,629.41 |
Rizal | Annam | 9,222.05 |
Prensa | 4,416.15 | |
Quingua | 280.36 | |
Umingan | 2,321.53 | |
San Antonio | Quingua | 14,085.87 |
Zaragosa | 2,218.79 | |
San Isidro | Bantog | 4,138.14 |
Quingua | 311.05 | |
San Jose City | Annam | 2,871.86 |
Maligaya | 4,207.75 | |
Prensa | 969.04 | |
Umingan | 8,918.26 | |
San Leonardo | Bantog | 2,816.75 |
Quingua | 2,185.77 | |
Santa Rosa | Annam | 3,328.70 |
Bantog | 941.33 | |
Prensa | 2,628.48 | |
Quingua | 7,150.08 | |
Santo Domingo | Maligaya | 93.50 |
Quingua | 7,455.45 | |
Talavera | Maligaya | 2,749.03 |
Quingua | 7,301.46 | |
Talugtug | Annam | 4,470.56 |
Maligaya | 181.15 | |
Quingua | 3,008.63 | |
San Fabian | 2,442.34 | |
Zaragoza | Quingua | 5,404.28 |
Zaragosa | 3,776.97 |
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Annam | Aluminum (Al) and Iron (Fe) Toxicity; run-off; sloping topography | Poorly drained soils on the alluvial basin are moderatley suitable for paddy; fertilization; maintain properly the paddy dikes. | Green manuring; liming; large initial application of phosphate fertilizers; suitable for diversified crops. | Liming; contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity |
Bantog | Poor drainage; high shrink and swell capacity upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil, hard when dry; seasonal flooding in low areas; slow permeability | Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; suited for irrigated and rainfed paddy rice; maintain properly the paddy dikes | Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard in low areas; use of broadbeds, ridges or furrows and mulching; application of organic matter and farm manure | Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; application of organic matter and farm manure |
Maligaya | Heavy clay poor drainage; high shrink and swell capacity upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil, hard when dry; very slow permeability | Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; suited for irrigated and rainfed paddy rice; maintain properly the paddy dikes | Application of fertilizers and organic matter; allow proper drainage system in the field to address the heavy clay texture of this soil; use broadbeds, ridges and mulching | Establishment of adequate draiange and irrigation system; use of the right kind and amount of fetilizers including their methods of application; proper timing of cultivation and planting. |
Prensa | Dissected physiography limits paddy field size and excess elevations increase cost of extensive gravity irrigation inputs; 2:1 clay causes physical limitations for diversified crops; sloping topography requires contour cultivation | Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; proper leveling, construction and maintenance of paddy dikes | Application of fertilizers and organic matter; requires contour cultivation; use green manures and mulches; proper timing of cultivation and planting | Establishment of adequate draiange and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure; proper timing of cultivation and planting |
Quingua | Climate, seasonal flooding | Suited for paddy rice; application of inorganic fetilizers to maintain the fertility of the soil | suited for diversified crops; construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; proper timing of cultivation and planting | Suited for root crops; construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; proper timing of cultivation and planting |
San Fabian | During the dry season, the unplowed soil is compact and hard, and cracks into big clods; sloping topography; irrigation problems | Not suitable for irrigated lowland rice production due to irrigation problems; suited for rainfed rice | Practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and ground cover help conserve moisture; minimize runoff and control erosion; practice green manuring to improve soil fertility and structure; suited for vegetables and other cash crops | Subsoiling; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity |
San Manuel | Excessively wet and annual flooding for short periods and excessive droughtiness from March to May; low phosphorus content | Application of phosphate fertilizers; suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season | Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard and high seasonal water table; use broadbeds and ridges; suited for diversified crops such as corn, vegetables and water melon | Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility |
Sibul | Shallow soil; undulating to steep topography; sometimes presence of limestone fragment at the top soil | Nor suited for irrigated lowland production because of irrigation constraints; leveling and terracing | Application of fertilizer and organic matter; practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and groudcover ; slow runoff; minimize and control erosion;mulching using organic materials help sustain soil fertility; suited for any cash crop | Contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; proper fertilization; proper timing of cultivation and planting; liming; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity |
Umingan | Presence of gravelly or stony layer at the lower subsoil. Due to this layer of stones and gravels, the soil tends to be droughty; occurrence of floods during and after heavy rains | Application of fertilizer; suited for paddy rice and other crops; clearing large gravel and rock outcrops. | Construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system; application of fertilizer and organic matter; suited for diversified crops. | Gravel at the lower subsoil may cause the lower yield of root crops. |
Zaragosa | Seasonal flooding hazards and high seasonal water table; extreme climatic limitation; some depositional problem | Suited for lowland rice production during dry season | Application of phosphate fertilizers and organic matter; artificial irrigation and drainage required due to seasonal flooding hazard and high seasonal water table; allow proper drainage system; grow flod-tolerant crops during wet season | Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation systems. |