
Soil Series

Information System

San Fabian Series
Soil Fertility Moderate
Soil pH 6.5-7.0
Organic Matter
Phosphorus (P) High
Potassium (K) High
Nutrient Retention
Base Saturation
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Rolling to hilly with some level areas (8-16%)
Water Retention
Drainage Well
Permeability Moderate
Stoniness Gravels
Rooting Depth Deep (1m)
Flooding None
Surface Soil Type: Clay loam
Family name: Fine loamy, mixed (ca.), isohyperthermic, Typic,Calciaquert
Fine loamy textured soil with high clay content of 35 60 and isohyperthermic temperature regime 22C It is a vertisol ert dominated by shrink swell clays that cause deep wide cracks slikensidess very sticky when wet and compact when dry It is a typical typic representative of the great group Calciaquerts It is saturated with water for repeated periods of time aqu manifested by its grayish color with or without mottles This soil also has high calcium calci saturation in its subsoil horizons