
Soil Series

Information System

Rugao Series
Soil Fertility Low to moderate
Soil pH Acid to neutral (4.5-7.5)
Organic Matter Moderate
Phosphorus (P) Low
Potassium (K) Low
Nutrient Retention Moderate
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Undulating to hilly with level areas
Water Retention High
Drainage Poor internally
Permeability Moderate
Workability/Tilth Easy to moderate
Stoniness Few concretions; weathered shale
Rooting Depth Deep (>1m)
Flooding None
Erosion Slight to moderate
Surface Soil Type: Clay
Family name: Fine, isohyperthermic, Aquic Haplustalfs
An old soil which has undergone extensive weathering but has retained a high base status in its horizon alf Alfisol exhibits minimum complexity in its horizonation hapl This can be found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust but are saturated fluctuating groundwater during rainy season with water for repeated periods of time aquic The mean annual soil temperature is higher than 22C isohyperthermic