
Soil Series

Information System

Umingan Series
Soil Fertility Moderate to high
Soil pH Slightly acid to neutral (5.5-7.5)
Organic Matter Low
Phosphorus (P) Moderate
Potassium (K) Low to moderate
Nutrient Retention High
Base Saturation Moderate
Salinity Hazard None
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Level to nearly level found along rivers
Water Retention Moderate
Drainage Good
Permeability Rapid
Workability/Tilth Easy
Stoniness Gravels and stones
Rooting Depth Deep (>1 m)
Flooding Infrequent
Surface Soil Type: Sandy clay loam
Family name: Loamy-skeletal, mixed (ca.), isohyperthermic, Fluventic Haplustept
A loamy textured soil with many gravels and pebbles skeletal occurring along the banks of rivers Hence it is subject to flooding fluventic receiving yearly depositions of alluvial soil materials from rivers It is in the incipient development stage toward a mature soil ept Inceptisol but has not yet fully developed its diagnostic horizons Hapl It is found in areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons ust Ustic Moisture Regime and annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic