
Soil Series

Information System

Alaminos Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Very strongly to strongly acid
Organic Matter Medium
Phosphorus (P) Very low
Potassium (K) Very Low
Nutrient Retention Very low
Base Saturation Very low
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Rolling to hilly
Water Retention
Drainage Good to excessive
Stoniness None
Rooting Depth Deep (soil depth)
Flooding None
Surface Soil Type: fine Clay/Clay loam
Family name: Fine, isohyperthermic, Typic Kanhaplustults
Fine textured soil having large amount of clay 35 60 with isohyperthermic temperature regime 22CIt Is a typical Typic representative of the great group Kanhaplustults Kan with kandic properties such as low activity clays responsible for poor nutrient retention ability of the soil hapl the soil has minimum complexity of horizonation ust ustic having pronounced wet and dry moisture regime ults ultimus means last under the soil order Ultisol red clay soil with low base saturation and low pH Hense the soil is relatively infertile Soils having nearly level to level topography are suitable for tillage with application of lime However these soils should be better kept under pasture or forest