
Soil Series

Information System

Bantog Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Neutral
Organic Matter Very high
Phosphorus (P) Medium
Potassium (K) Medium
Nutrient Retention Adequate
Base Saturation Adequate
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Level to nearly level
Water Retention
Drainage Poor
Stoniness None
Rooting Depth Deep to very deep (soil depth)
Flooding Seasonal flooding; frequently saturated
Surface Soil Type: Very fine clay
Family name: Very fine, isohyperthermic, Vertic Endoaquepts
Very fine textured soil with high clay content 605 and isohyperthermic 22C temperature regime It is a member of the great group Endoaquept with vertic properties ie the soil has high content of montmorillonite clay which shrink and swell appreciably upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil It has an aquic aqu moisture regime meaning the soil is saturated for long periods of time resulting in gray soil color with or without mottles indicating poor internal drainage It is an inceptisol epts Latin inceptum beginning meaning this soil is just beginning to develop and show soil horizons This soil is very high in fertility high OM medium P medium K Productivity is limited by its vertic properties such as slickensides and high clay content where it tends to become hard when dry Thus tillage may be dificult unless the soil is moist or wet This soil is suitable for irrigated and non irrigated paddy rice