
Soil Series

Information System

Faraon Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Slightly acid to neutral
Organic Matter High
Phosphorus (P) Medium
Potassium (K) Medium
Nutrient Retention High
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Steep to very steep
Water Retention
Drainage Good
Stoniness Common to many (Coralline limestone)
Rooting Depth Very shallow (soil depth)
Flooding None
Surface Soil Type: Clay
Family name: Fine isohyperthermic , Lithic Haplustolls
Fine textured soil 35 60 clay content and isohyperthermic 22C temperature regime It is a representative of great group Haplustolls with lithic contact specifically it is a shallow soil with hard coralline bedrock at 35 cm it has a minimum complexity of horizonation hapl It is a mollisol olls from mollis soft found in areas with pronounced wet and dry season ust ustic Mollisol soils are dark colored fertile soils high OM medium P medium K with high base status and neutral to medium acid pH This soil has good internal and external drainage and moderately permeability Most of these soils have good vegetation from shrubs orchard andor secondary forest due to their good water holding cpacity However is best suited for industrial trees and forest species Agricultural uses are limited to cultivated crops due to its shallow soils steepness and presence of fragments and boulders