
Soil Series

Information System

San Juan Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Moderately acid to neutral
Organic Matter Medium to high
Phosphorus (P) Low to high
Potassium (K) High
Nutrient Retention Low to high
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Undulating to hilly
Water Retention
Drainage Moderate to good
Stoniness Riverwashed stone in the subsoil
Rooting Depth Very shallow (soil depth)
Flooding None
Surface Soil Type: Heavy sandy clay to sandy clay loam
Family name: Fine loamy, isohyperthermic, Typic Durustalfs
Fine loamy textured soil 18 35 clay and 15 sand with isohyperthermic 22C temperature regime It is a typical Typic representative of Durustalfs Dur from the word duripan which is a silica cemented subsurface horizon that damages and prevents the root from penetrating deeper into the subsoil ust with ustic moisture regime specifically having pronounced wet and dry seasons alfs an alfisol characterized by an alluvial accumulation of clay in the subsoil horizons from the underlying horizons The natural fertility is moderate to high medium OM high P low K Suitable for improved system of pasture for orchard and woodland