
Soil Series

Information System

90 below
San Manuel Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Moderately to slightly acid
Organic Matter Medium
Phosphorus (P) Medium
Potassium (K) Medium
Nutrient Retention Adequate
Base Saturation Adequate
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Level
Water Retention
Drainage Excellent
Stoniness None
Rooting Depth Deep to very deep (soil depth)
Flooding Moderate seasonal river
Surface Soil Type: Loam/Silt loam/Sandy
Family name: Fine loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic, Fluventic Haplustepts
Fine loamy textured 18 35 clay and 15 sand soil with no particular mineral of any kind dominates in the soil mixed Has isohyperthermic 22C temperature regime It is a representative of the great group Haplustepts which occurs on river floodplains and subject to seasonal river flooding Fluventic Hapl means that the soil has a minimum complexity of horizonation ust from the word ustic a moisture regime characteristically having pronounced wet and dry seaons epts it is an inseptisol Latin inceptum or beginning indicating that this soil is just beginning to develop and show soil horizons Soil fertility is high high OM medium P medium K with adequate pH well drained and has moderate permeability This soil is suited for intensive cultivation and for any crops grown in the area