
Soil Series

Information System

Sibul Series
Soil Fertility
Soil pH Slightly acid
Organic Matter Medium
Phosphorus (P) Low
Potassium (K) Low
Nutrient Retention Medium
Base Saturation High
Salinity Hazard
Physical Soil Quality
Relief Sloping to steep
Water Retention
Drainage Good
Stoniness Many small to coarse limestone
Rooting Depth Shallow (soil depth)
Flooding None
Surface Soil Type: Heavy clay
Family name: Fine to very fine isohyperthermic, Typic Eutrudepts
Fine to very fine textured soil containing above 60 clay with correspondingly low amount of sand and silt With isohyperthermic 22C temperature regime It is a typical typic representative of great group Eutrudepts Eutr that connotes high base saturation found in areas with udic 9ud well distributed rainfall moisture regime It is an Inceptisol epts Latin inceptum or beginning meaning this soil is just beginning to develop and show soil horizons This soil has moderate soil fertility and medium pH good internal draiange and moderate permeability Where topography is good this soil is well suited for any cash crops or diversified crops Areas with rolling to steep topography permanent crops such as fruit trees agroforest and industrial tree species are recommended