Tarlac Series
Soil Fertility | Moderate |
Soil pH | Slightly acid to neutral (6.5-7.0) |
Organic Matter | Low |
Phosphorus (P) | High |
Potassium (K) | Low |
Nutrient Retention | Moderate |
Base Saturation | |
Salinity Hazard |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Roughly rolling to hilly / mountainous |
Water Retention | Moderate |
Drainage | Good |
Permeability | Moderate |
Workability/Tilth | Moderate |
Stoniness | Quartz; reddish-brown concretions |
Rooting Depth | Deep (1m) |
Flooding | |
Erosion | Surface soil extremely susceptible to erosion |
Surface Soil Type: Clay laom
Family name: Fine loamy, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic, Vertic Epiaquept
A soil that is in the incipient development towards a mature soil ept Inceptisol formed from older alluvial deposits It is a representative of the great group Epiaquept which has vertic properties that shrink and swell repeatedly vertic It is saturated with water repeatedly aqu manifested by its gray color with or without mottles It has an annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic