
Soil Series

Information System

Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Agno Alaminos 2,065.42
Bani 14,545.70
Aguilar Alaminos 9,018.12
San Manuel 4,255.15
Alaminos City Alaminos 7,647.41
Bani 7,766.62
Bolinao 561.82
Alcala San Manuel 3,906.60
Anda Alaminos 7,453.66
Asingan Pangasinan 733.44
San Manuel 5,858.87
Balungao Annam 1,271.17
San Fabian 1,789.47
San Manuel 5,388.63
Bani Bani 16,196.85
Bolinao 2,239.25
Basista San Manuel 2,201.33
Bautista San Manuel 5,490.06
Bayambang La Paz 1,076.92
San Manuel 11,056.97
Binalonan Annam 151.04
San Manuel 6,130.25
Umingan 1,572.58
Binmaley Legua 81.49
Pangasinan 2,100.87
San Manuel 1,523.49
Hydrosol 2,299.43
Bolinao Bani 314.07
Bolinao 21,077.49
Bugallon Alaminos 8,461.27
Pangasinan 72.74
San Manuel 6,636.28
Hydrosol 644.29
Burgos Alaminos 4,416.81
Bani 3,197.06
Bolinao 4,632.19
Hydrosol 6.00
Calasiao Pangasinan 573.42
San Manuel 4,331.26
Hydrosol 14.95
Dagupan City Legua 225.60
Pangasinan 1,858.15
San Manuel 886.88
Hydrosol 1,410.82
Dasol Alaminos 20,532.65
Bani 457.50
Bolinao 2,926.31
Hydrosol 1,511.56
Infanta Alaminos 17,546.78
Bani 2,464.21
Hydrosol 401.25
Mountain soil (undiffe 1,256.35
Labrador Alaminos 7,478.52
Legua 43.55
Pangasinan 73.06
San Manuel 1,079.28
Hydrosol 461.58
Laoac San Fabian 110.09
San Manuel 3,959.67
Lingayen Legua 822.17
Pangasinan 1,587.30
San Manuel 1,663.28
Hydrosol 2,025.90
Mabini Alaminos 20,965.49
Bani 5,037.05
Malasiqui San Fabian 2,031.20
San Manuel 9,086.22
Tarlac 1,362.95
Manaoag San Fabian 1,805.56
San Manuel 2,617.38
Mangaldan Pangasinan 630.57
San Manuel 3,620.41
Hydrosol 90.63
Mangatarem Alaminos 14,673.98
San Manuel 10,413.43
Tarlac 5,087.10
Mapandan San Manuel 2,135.10
Natividad Annam 4,032.79
San Manuel 436.98
Umingan 2,969.47
Pozzorubio Pangasinan 675.09
San Fabian 2,381.08
San Manuel 2,186.53
Umingan 2,232.19
Rosales Annam 271.40
Pangasinan 34.62
San Fabian 1,550.16
San Manuel 4,053.51
San Carlos City San Manuel 15,128.43
San Fabian Legua 57.04
Pangasinan 698.20
San Fabian 3,510.01
San Manuel 2,357.86
Hydrosol 75.58
San Jacinto Pangasinan 405.21
San Fabian 823.99
San Manuel 2,179.90
San Manuel Annam 5,988.56
Pangasinan 942.58
San Manuel 848.71
Umingan 4,169.91
Mountain soil (undiffe 9.12
San Nicolas Annam 15,853.70
Pangasinan 983.34
San Manuel 248.25
Umingan 6,290.48
San Quintin Annam 6,777.29
San Manuel 2,037.47
Tarlac 61.14
Umingan 2,860.95
Santa Barbara San Manuel 6,471.58
Santa Cruz Hydrosol 0.18
Santa Maria Pangasinan 399.63
San Manuel 4,770.96
Santo Tomas San Manuel 735.45
Sison Annam 7,263.20
Pangasinan 1,216.58
San Fabian 683.38
San Manuel 70.83
Umingan 5,962.21
Sual Alaminos 15,291.59
Bolinao 588.90
Legua 141.35
Tayug Pangasinan 804.42
San Manuel 4,135.57
Umingan 254.91
Umingan Annam 14,796.85
San Manuel 1,331.57
Tarlac 1,683.82
Umingan 7,602.36
Urbiztondo San Manuel 6,130.24
Urdaneta City San Fabian 589.83
San Manuel 10,189.17
Villasis Pangasinan 150.80
San Fabian 717.37
San Manuel 6,735.74
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Alaminos Acid soil; low fertility; excessive erosion Upland rice farming; liming; application of fertilizers Contour farming and/or strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure; application of phosphate fertilizers Suitable for root crops; practice contour cropping
Annam Aluminum (Al) and Iron (Fe) Toxicity(acidic soil); run-off; sloping topography causes excessive erosion Poorly drained soils on the alluvial basin are moderately suitable for paddy; fertilization; maintain properly the paddy dikes; suitable for upland rice during wet season Green manuring: liming; large initial application of phosphate fertilizers; suitable for diversified crops; strip cropping Liming; contour terracing; buffer strip cropping; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
Bani Poor drainage; rolling topography causes risk of erosion; surface cracking when dry Construction of dikes; fertilizers application; deep plowing during land preparation Establish proper drainage and irrigation system; contour farming; addition of fertilizers; suited for annual cash crops; application of fertilizers and liming; contour farming and/or strip cropping Not suitable due to texture constraint
Bolinao Rolling topography in some areas which causes risk of erosion; shallow rooting depth; low available P Suitable for rice but needs terracing and use of limestone outcrops for re-enforcing dikes; application of phosphate fertilizers; upland rice Contour terracing; proper fertilization; proper timing of cultivation and planting; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and application of phosphate fertilizers Contour terracing; use of cover crops like Ipil-ipil for soil rehabilitation and source of firewood at the same time; addition of organic matter
La Paz High water table and local flooding in wet season preclude dry land crops, rapid permeability precludes gravity irrigation except when water table is seasonally high, low fertility Suitable for rice during wet season but needs ample amount of fertilizers to address the fertility problem; phosphorus application Application of organic matter; practice timing of planting; deep plowing; phosphorus application Suitable for root crops due to sandy texture
Pangasinan Sandy texture; excessive drainage; seasonal flooding Suitable for rice during the rainy season and adequate irrigation during dry season: addition of organic matter Proper irrigation system; addition of organic matter; deep plowing; practice timing of planting; use of broad beds and ridges; best be planted during dry season due to river flooding Adequate irrigation and flood control system; addition of organic matter
San Fabian During the dry season, the unplowed soil is compact and hard, and cracks into big clods; sloping topography; irrigation problems Not suitable for irrigated lowland rice production due to irrigation problems; suited for rainfed rice Practice contour farming; conservation tillage such as mulching and ground cover help conserve moisture; minimize runoff and control erosion; practice green manuring to improve soil fertility and structure; suited for vegetables and other cash crops Subsoiling; addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
San Manuel Excessively wet and annual flooding for short periods and excessive drought during dry season; low OM Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; OM addition thru animal or green manuring Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flood hazard and high seasonal water table; use broad beds and ridges; suited for diversified crops such as corn, vegetables and watermelon in dry season irrigation Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility
Tarlac When dry, hard and compact and forms into big clods; roughly rolling to hilly topography Timing of planting; construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard; fertilization Timing of planting; construction of adequate drainage, irrigation, and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard; mulching, construction of broad beds and ridges for vegetables; application of fertilizers Not suitable for root crops due to texture constraints
Umingan River flooding; gravelly subsoil layer causes drought Application of fertilizer; clearing of large gravels and rock Construction of adequate irrigation and flood control system; application of fertilizer and organic matter; suited for diversified crops Gravelly subsoil may cause lower yield of rootcrops